
Mr. Clarinet: A Novel (Max Mingus Thriller)

Mr. Clarinet: A Novel (Max Mingus Thriller) - Nick Stone "Pan Klarinet"

Sun Storm

Sun Storm - Åsa Larsson, Marlaine Delargy "Sluneční bouře"

Perry Mason and the Case of the Terrified Typist

The Case of the Terrified Typist - Erle Stanley Gardner "Perry Mason a vyľakaná pisárka"

Invisible Monsters: A Novel

Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk "Neviditelné nestvůry" Tak si to zrekapitulujme: jméno hlavní postavy je Shannon McFarlandová, což jsem se ovšem dozvěděla ža na straně 200! :) Shannon přišla o část obličeje, když po ní někdo vystřelil z kulovnice. Bývala to krásná dívka, úspěšná modelka.... Její bratr Shane údajně zemřel na AIDS, když ho předtím rodiče vyhodili z domu, jelikož se nakazil kapavkou. Nyní je ovšem na cestě k proměně na ženu a říká si Brandy. Chce vypadat jako jeho mladší sestra, se kterou není v kontaktu. Jejich cesty se zkříží, aniž o tom původně čtenáři vědí, jelikož Shannon nemá obličej a Shane není muž :-) Ze Shannonina snoubence - původně policisty - Manuse se vyklube gay, který vlastně před lety nakazil Shaneho. A nejlepší kamarádka Evie se vlastně taky narodila jako rozmazlený kluk, kterému jeho rodiče splnili každé přání, a tak mu zaplatili plastickou operaci. No není to blázinec? Překvapení vás čeká na každé straně!! :-) Nikdy si nemůžete být jisti tím, kdo je kdo a zda je to muž či žena. A tak to všechno postupně rozmotáme :-)

GradeSaver (TM) ClassicNotes A Thousand Splendid Suns: Study Guide

GradeSaver (TM) ClassicNotes A Thousand Splendid Suns: Study Guide - Adena Raub "Tisíce planoucích sluncí" I could know the true life in Afghanistan. I have got knowledge of the russian ocupation, civil war and the origin of Taliban trough the ordinary life of ordinary people. In this country there are living not only soldiers and bombers, but mothers and children too - people with their own lifes, dreams, loves... The stories of characters are very strong. This book made me cry several times. I wait the good news from Afghanistan every day....

Shipping News: A Novel (Scribner Classics)

The Shipping News - Annie Proulx "Ostrovní zprávy" The story centers on Quoyle, a newspaper worker from upstate New York whose father had emigrated from Newfoundland. Shortly after the suicide of his parents, Quoyle's unfaithful and abusive wife Petal and her lover leave town. Days later, she sells their daughters to a 'black market adoption agency' for the sum of $6,000. Soon thereafter, Petal and her lover are killed in a car accident; the young girls are located by police and returned to Quoyle. Despite the safe return of his daughters, Quoyle's life is collapsing and his paternal aunt, Agnis Hamm, convinces him to return to their ancestral home of Newfoundland for a new beginning. This ancestral home is situated on Quoyle's Point. He obtains work as a car-accident reporter for the Gammy Bird, local newspaper of the town of Killick-Claw. The Gammy Bird's editor also asks him to document the shipping news, arrivals and departures from the local port, which soon grows into Quoyle's signature articles on boats of interest in the harbour. Quoyle gradually makes friends within the community, learns about his own troubled family background, and begins a relationship with a local woman, Wavey. Quoyle's growth in confidence and emotional strength, as well as his ability to be comfortable in a loving relationship, become the main focus for the book. A series of deep and disturbing secrets about his ancestors emerge in strange ways.